Looking for a Northbridge Dentist who does crowns?
A crown is often called a “cap” as it sits over the tooth to protect it, much like a hat or cap sits on our head. The crown is usually made of porcelain, ceramic material or a metal alloy. A crown is required to protect a vulnerable tooth when a filling won’t do, such as when a tooth is cracked, heavily restored or broken down.
A porcelain dental crown protecting a heavily restored and broken tooth. Dr David Vickers
Bridges at Northbridge Dentists
A bridge usually involves the preparation of teeth either side of a gap to provide support for an artificial tooth. A bridge is just one option to replace a missing tooth and you should discuss these options with your Northbridge dentist.
A crown has come out. Can it be re-cemented?
Often a crown can be re-cemented, especially if it comes away cleanly and can be repositioned easily by the dentist. However if a portion of the tooth or core filling has come away with the crown it is often difficult to re-cement.
How will you be able to match the colour of the crown exactly?
Matching the crown/bridge to your existing teeth (or crowns) often takes some patience from the dentist and lab technician. Photographs are often required (especially for front teeth) and for important/difficult cases, the lab technician may need to personally view the teeth to get them as accurate as possible.