Our Northbridge Dentists use filling materials that are the highest quality on the market and are made in the USA, Switzerland or Japan. Our porcelain fillings are sourced from labs in Northbridge and Willoughby. You should expect nothing but quality - after all, it's going to stay in your mouth for years.

Before and after photos of white filling being placed in a tooth

Before and after - our composite resin fillings

White fillings at Northbridge Dentists (case by Dr David Vickers)

White fillings composite resin veneers on teeth

Before replacing an old filling on the teeth

A white filling giving a natural appearance to a front top tooth

After a white filling on the front tooth (Dr Jenny Chang)

Front teeth before smile makeover with composite resin white fillings

Before replacing the white fillings on the front teeth

After white fillings on front teeth smile makeover

After white fillings on the front teeth (Dr David Vickers)

A before and after photo of an aesthetic white filling being placed on a back tooth

Before and after - great and long-lasting results

Aesthetic, high quality fillings (case by Dr David Vickers)



Cracked amalgam filling

Should I replace my amalgam fillings?

Unless the amalgam shows signs of chipping, cracking, leakage or adjacent decay, replacing an amalgam in a non-aesthetic area may be unnecessary. The tooth may be further weakened and/or risk becoming uncomfortable. Whist the final decision is up to you, replacement should always be discussed with your dentist first.