Root canal treatment in Sydney is at your local Northbridge Dentist
Root Canal Therapy/Treatment (RCT) removes infected tissue from the centre of the tooth or “pulp chamber.” The pulp chamber houses the nerves, blood vessels and cells required to maintain a healthy tooth. Once even a small portion of the pulp chamber becomes infected, it spreads throughout the entire pulp and down the roots very quickly. The tooth can no longer be restored with a filling alone. At Northbridge Dentists, all of our dentists are skilled in performing root canal therapy, however Dr Jenny Chang takes a special interest in more complex cases.
1) Abscessed tooth 2) Completed root canal
What Does Root Canal Therapy at Northbridge Dentists involve?
1st stage of treatment: The dentist may simply dress the pulp with a special antibiotic and anti-inflammatory dressing to help get you out of pain. Otherwise they will use special instruments called files to remove the infected and inflamed tissue and widen the canals inside the roots. This procedure is performed under local anaesthetic to minimise any discomfort.
2nd Stage of Treatment: Once the roots have been cleaned and shaped, they are then filled with rubber-based filling material.
Final restoration: Your dentist will advise you what is best for the longevity of your tooth.
1) Infected Pulp 2) Tooth is accessed 3) Canals cleaned with files 4) Canals are filled
Root Canal Procedure
What are the alternatives?
The main alternative to root canal is extraction. Once extracted, your options are to either leave a space, or replace the tooth with either an implant, partial denture or bridge. Ask your dentist in Northbridge to discuss the options in more detail.
How much will it cost?
There is no “standard cost” for a Root Canal. It varies with the number of canals and overall difficulty. Your Northbridge dentist will give you an estimate of the cost following your initial consultation. Please note, the final restoration is also required.
What if I have a difficult Root Canal? Is there anything that can be done?
If your Northbridge dentist deems that the root canal is complex, there is always the option to see a specialist. Endodontists are specialists in root canal. They have done an additional 3 years of training in this field. Endodontists also have extremely high-tech equipment including high-powered microscopes, which allow them to see great detail and perform even difficult cases. Your dentist will advise you if referral is recommended.
I’ve had Root Canal before and now the tooth is sore?
Root canal is normally around 90% successful after 10 years when performed the first time. However further decay or trauma to the tooth can cause re-infection. Specialist referral is usually required where the root canal may need to be re-treated. Other treatments may involve apicectomy (a special operation) or even investigations into external sources of pain.
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